

„Media Capture And Corrupt Journalists. How Europeanization Helped Build Façades of Democracy“ Palgrave Macmillan 2022, 325 p.

“Kroatien zwischen Strukturanpassung und zweiter Transformation – Adjustment with a human face? Eine historisch-empirische Analyse des Policy-Prozesses dreier Reformprojekte.“ Tectum-Verlag, Marburg 2008, 157 p.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Die kroatischen EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen nach dem irischen no – Auf der Überholspur ins Nirgendwo?, in: Südosteuropa, vol. 56, no. 2, S. 263-80.

Europeanisation of political parties in EU candidate countries. The effects on post-socialist consolidationin: EU-CONSENT PhD Online Journal, vol. 4 , January 2008.

Uloga Svjetske banke u tranziciji Hrvatske – Ekonomska ili socijalna izvedba? [The role of the World Bank in Croatia’s transition – economic or societal performance?], in: Politička misao (Zagreb), Vol. 41, No. 4 (2004), S. 72-91.

La adhesin de Croacia, ejemplo para los Balcanes [The accession of Croatia, example for the Balkans], in: Politica Exterior, Vol. 27, No. 154 (2013), S. 24-29.

Peer-reviewed book chapters

Das politische System Kroatiens (with Prof. Nenad Zakošek), in: Ismayr, Wolfgang (ed.): Die politischen Systeme Osteuropas, 3. Ausgabe, VS-Verlag: Wiesbaden 2010, S. 773-835.

Assessing the Negotiation Experience – Quick Accession or Good Representation? (in German and Croatian edition), in: Ott, Katarina (ed.): Croatian Accession to the European Union. Zagreb 2007, S. 29-56.

Commissioned research papers

When billboards stare back: how cities can reclaim the digital public space, research report commissioned by the city of Amsterdam, May 2022.

“Analysis of the 2007 Annual Action Programme for Serbia” (as lead author, in cooperation with Prof. Marie-Janine Calic), Briefing Paper for the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament, Directorate General External Policies of the Union, July 2008, Brussels.

“Assessment of Programmes Funded Under the Instrument For Pre-Accession Assistance” (as co-author, in cooperation with Dr. Burcu Gültekin-Punsmann et al.), Briefing Paper for the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament, Directorate General External Policies of the Union, July 2008, Brussels.

The Constitutional Reform Process in Bosnia and Herzegovina” (as lead author, in cooperation with Prof. Josef Marko), Briefing Paper presented to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament on 27 November 2007, Brussels.

“Chronic, Incurable or What? Perceptions of Corruption in Croatia.” (with Prof. Aleksandar Štulhofer et al.), Discussion Paper Series No. 5, 2007, University of Konstanz.

Policy papers

United Kingdom – als Königreich vereint, beim Brexit gespalten [The UK – United as a kingdom, divided in Brexit] (with Richard Hilmer), Policy Matters Report, April 2019, Berlin

Sorgen und Erwartungen zur europäischen Integration. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Befragung in elf EU-Ländern [Concerns and expectations about European integration. Results of a representative survey in eleven EU countries] (with Richard Hilmer), Policy Matters Report, February 2019, Berlin

Putting the President into Presidency. The Turbulent Situation in Prague and its European RepercussionsSWP Comments 2009/C 04 April 2009

Der Prager Regierungssturz und die Zukunft der EU. Gelingt die Ratifikation des Lissabonner Vertrags in Tschechien?SWP-Studie 2009/S 13, April 2009

Die Ratifikation des Lissabonner Vertrags in Tschechien. Die gespaltene Ratspräsidentschaft und der letzte Mosaikstein(with Katrin Keil), in: Julia Lieb, Andreas Maurer (Hrsg.), In Trippelschritten zur EU-Reform. Die Ratifikationsverfahren zum Lissabonner Vertrag, Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, S. 34-41, February 2009.

Die Präsidentschaft der Prager Pragmatiker. Der tschechische EU-Ratsvorsitz zwischen innenpolitischen Zerwürfnissen und internationalen Krisen (with Dr. Kai-Olaf Lang), SWP-Aktuell 2008/A 02, January 2009

The Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in the Czech Republic. An EU-Sceptic under Pressure (with Katrin Keil)

Die Ratifikation des Lissabonner Vertrags in Tschechien. Zwischen Vertiefungsskepsis und Staatsraison(with Katrin Keil), SWP-Working Paper, December 2008

Croatia after the Assassinations: Chances for New Reform DynamicsSWP Comments 2008/C 28, December 2008

Kroatien nach den Attentaten: Chancen für eine neue ReformdynamikSWP-Aktuell 2008/A 79, November 2008

Croatia, Macedonia and the EU: Setting the Bar Too High? (with Deniz Devrim), Centro de Estudios Internacionales de Barcelona, Notes Internacionals CIDOB No. 08, December 2008.

The Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in the Czech Republic. Between EU-skepticism and raison d’etatSWP Working Paper, February 2008.

Eine Präsidentschaft der ruhigen Hand? Anspruch und raue Wirklichkeit des slowenischen Ratsvorsitzes(with Dr. Kai-Olaf Lang), SWP-Aktuell 2008/A 12, February 2008.

Party Political Determinants of Hospital Privatisation in Great Britain, Hungary, and Norway.  Project paper “Understanding Privatisation Policy – Political Economy and Welfare Effects”, funded by the European Commission, December 2007.

Kroatien vor den WahlenSWP-Aktuell 2007/A 55, October 2007.

Croatia in the Run-up to the ElectionsSWP Comments 2007/C 20, November 2007.

Das kroatische EU-Verhandlungsteam. Beitritt um jeden Preis? SWP Working Paper, July 2007.

Vom Verfassungs- zum Reformvertrag. Die Ratifikationsverfahren zum EU-Verfassungsvertrag und die Verhandlungen zum Mandat der Regierungskonferenz 2007 (with Dr. Andreas Maurer et al.), SWP Working Paper, July 2007


Dragomir J. Pantič/ Zoran M. Pavlović: Political Culture of Voters in Serbia, in: Südosteuropa, 57(4), 2009, S. 505-508.

Milardović, Anđelko: Zapadni balkon, in: Südosteuropa, 58(2), 2010, S. 308-310.

Referee for scientific journals

Security and Peace (Sicherheit und Frieden, S+F), edited by the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, Nomos Publishers.

Südosteuropa, edited by the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg, Oldenbourg Academic Publishers.  

Media contributions, op-eds, interviews

Live-TV interview on Croatia’s EU accession with Al-Jazeera English, Zagreb, 01.07.2013

Interview on Croatia’s EU-integration, Radio Lora (Munich), 04. November 2009

The Blocked Bloc, op-ed for, 06. August 2009

Blows on the way to Europe – chances for progress in reforms [Udarci na europskom putu – šansa za reformski napredak], interview with Deutsche Welle radio, 24.12.2008

Everybody loses something [Svi ponešto gube], Interview with Deutsche Welle radio, 19.12.2008

Nur noch eine Frage des Datums? Reformblockaden in Zagreb und Brüssel lassen zentrale Fragen des kroatischen EU-Beitritts unbeantwortet, in: Blickpunkt Kroatien, Nr. 3/ November 2008, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Regional office Zagreb.

Painstaking way to a new government? [Mukotrpni put do nove vlade?], Interview with Deutsche Welle radio, 21.11.2007

Giving the Sabor a veto in negotiations with Brussels [EU Saboru dati pravo veta u pregovorima s Bruxellesom], Interview for the Croatian newspaper Novi List, 13.02.2007.

Panel discussions

When Billboards Stare Back“, panel discussion on ways to protect citizens’ privacy from commercial sensors in city spaces, Amsterdam, 17 May 2022.

“Digital ethics in public administration and corporations“, moderator of the respective panel at the Congress “digital state”, Berlin, 12 May 2021.

“Europäische Transformationsprozesse im Vergleich“ [“European transition processes in comparison“], conference organized by the Andrássy University, Budapest, 18 May 2015.

 “Wo das Slowenische endet und das Kroatische beginnt: Die slowenisch-kroatische Grenze“ [“Where the Slovenian ends and the Croatian begins: The Slovenian-Croatian Border“], panel discussion organized by the Südost-Institute, Regensburg, 11 June 2010, Regensburg.

“Die Entwicklung des kroatischen politischen Systems nach dem Zerfall Jugoslawiens“ [“The development of the Croatian political system after the disintegration of Yugoslavia”], conference “The (potential) EU accession candidates”, commissoned by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, 18 May 2010, Dresden.

“Tschechien und die EU” [“The Czech Republic and the EU”], Public discussion organized by the Heinrich-Böll Foundation, Saxonia, Dresden, 27 May 2009

“Ein neues Mitglied vor der Tür? Die „EU-Tauglichkeit“ des Kandidaten Kroatien“ [“A new member in the back yard? The EU „fitness“ of the candidate Croatia“], art exhibition Donumenta, 2 June 2009, Regensburg.

“Kroatiens EU-Perspektiven“ [“Croatia’s EU perspectives”], Annual conference of the Südost-Institute, the Osteuropa-Institute and the Institute für Ostrecht, 31 May 2008, Regensburg.

“The Constitutional Reform Process in Bosnia and Hercegovina“, presented to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament, 27 November 2007, Brussels.

“Kroatien als Investitionsstandort“ [“Croatia as investment location“], Osteuropa-Zentrum, 16 November 2007, Berlin.